Generate Your Own Power
Going Solar means becoming energy
self-reliant! What’s more, you can even power more than your home by feeding power back to the grid.
Luminous assures you of a simple and transparent solar journey by systematically managing each and every step! From top of the line
components to quality workmanship, Luminous is committed to delivering you an UN-MATCHED EXPERIENCE and complete PEACE OF MIND.
Your worries end here! Luminous shall take on end-to-end responsibility. The right design, designed right!
Choose from multiple financing and payment options. Make your investment process simple and secure.
Our robust processes and systems ensure that your Solar Rooftop Solution is of top-notch quality!
From Site Surveys & Project Management to Post Installation requirements. We are always there!
Luminous enables the financing of your Solar Power Generation System. Special financing for the project is available from leading Banks & NBFCs at attractive rates and terms.
Luminous has over 3 decades of experience as a leading power solutions specialist. Our expertise includes key components of Solar Power System.
Going Solar means becoming energy
self-reliant! What’s more, you can even power more than your home by feeding power back to the grid.
Rooftop Solar is a smart investment.
Slash your electricity bills or reduce your power back-up costs.
Sunshine is free and forever!
It’s a clean, green and sustainable solution for your power needs!
The Sun is the most reliable source of energy we know. It has been powering the world we live in for close to 5 Billion years and likely 5 Billion more!
Luminous is here to help you find and understand all you need to know about Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) solutions.
Luminous makes Solar Simple For You!